Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reel Time

Thanks in part to a free trial subscription to Netflix, we've been watching (or rewatching) lots of movies lately:

You can probably guess my favorite genre from the list! The only movie we viewed that I didn't like was Shutter Island. I thought it was too stylized, too predictable, and too heavy-handed. In fact, to me it felt like watching one of M. Night Shamalyan's recent films. That said, I did find interesting the final question raised by Leonard DiCaprio's character, "Would it be better to live as a monster or die as a good man?"

The other movies, I thoroughly enjoyed, though if you watch Outland, released in 1981, realize it is a fun flick but no cinematic masterpiece.

Now, I am deciding if I want to read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo even though we saw the film. I think I may skip to The Girl Who Played with Fire which I got last summer at a garage sale!

1 comment:

  1. I love Netflix. I tend to watch weird documentaries, which Netflix has a lot of, or dramas. Did you ever see Trekkies? It's a must-see documentary. It's happy and sad and funny all at once. -Hollychihuahua on SB Blog Comments


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