Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's VP Choice Bad for the Environment

From Greenpeace USA:

“Sarah Palin has one of the most anti-environment records of any governor in the United States. She has supported oil drilling in some of the most ecologically sensitive areas in Alaska, even when it meant sacrificing polar bears, beluga whales, and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Despite her advocacy for expanded oil and gas drilling, Palin has done almost nothing to promote the clean energy sources that can help solve global warming, which is already having major negative consequences in her state. That shouldn't be surprising since she started her campaign by denying the reality of man-made global warming.

“In a way, this is an appropriate choice for John McCain, who has rapidly abandoned his environmental principles and adopted the agenda of the oil executives backing his campaign.”

Detailed Greenpeace Backgrounder on Palin’s Environmental Record Available Here:

Grist article here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School's In Session

Today was the first day of classes, and I had three sections of the course I teach. As a MWF class, it only meets 50 minutes. The time flies! At ASU, I had three hour classes that met once a week. While I anticipated the difference, it's still amazing how quickly the time went. Just enough for an icebreaker and a review of the syllabus. By the time my final class was complete, my voice was scratchy!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Flickr Monthly Scavenger Hunt

During the past month, I've been participating in the Flickr Monthly Scavenger Hunt. Each month, a new list of twenty clues is provided, and during the month, hunters interpret the clues, shoot images, and post to the group pool. Some of the clues--such as "peak oil"--are not so easy to capture in images! Yesterday, I finally finished the hunt, and today, I received my seal of completion! Hooray!

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