Monday, November 24, 2008

Celebration FOR the Turkeys

On Saturday, George and I went to Watkins Glen for the annual Celebration FOR the Turkeys at the Farm Sanctuary. The day began with a lovely and delicious vegan potluck at the Watkins Glen Community Center. Thanks to Turtle Island Foods for donating tofurky for the event! Many people brought yummy home-cooked side dishes and desserts. Being the first-class cook I am, I bought some food at Greenstar! After we were all stuffed, we heard a presentation from Keith McHenry, co-founder of Food Not Bombs (wow--the stories he told!), and then an incredible talk from Susie Coston, Shelter Director. Susie knows all the animals at the Farm, and she is so passionate about them. She's quite an inspiration!

Of course, my favorite part of the day comes when we all go to the Celebration for the Turkeys, a feast of pumpkin, squash, berries, and lettuce for the turkeys at the Sanctuary. Because it was a very cold day, we were all bundled up...I could hardly operate my camera, my hands were so cold. Even so, it's always delightful to see the farm animals.

Two small pallettes had the spread for the turkeys...we were standing in a semi-circle around them, waiting for their grand entrance. One brave girl ventured out in front of the others, though a small group quickly followed her. Some of the turkeys were a little shy and stayed in the shelter. George and I watched them feeding for a bit, then visited the pigs (my favorite) and the goats. By the time we made our way to the pig barn, George gave up, he was so cold. I perservered and went out to say hello to my cow friends.

Because of the weather, the Farm is closed until spring, so it was my last visit until 2009.

All of my pictures from the celebration are here.

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