Sparkles is a beautiful, blogging kitty who is very sad (as am I) about the horrors experienced by the people and animals of Japan. Her human is donating a dollar to
World Vets for every comment made on her
blog today. Please go visit and say hello - what a fun and easy way for us to help those animals in Japan who have been affected by the earthquake and tsunami. You can also visit a ton of other blogs who are helping Japan's animals today through the links at the bottom of the entry.
Sparkle's Commentathon
Want to know more about helping the animals of Japan? Here are some organizations working right now that need donations of money and supplies. Every little bit helps, so please make a donation today.
How sweet of you to mention my commenthon! Do you know, World Vets announced it on their Facebook page... and they have 33,000 fans! I actually wound up having to pull the plug before it totally broke my human's bank! But we still donated a really nice chunk of green papers.